过去的展览 2024-25
2024/11/16(sat) – 2025/1/13(mon)
国宝《源氏物语关屋骠图》画家:表屋宗达 国宝《和汉朗咏集》:太田切
平安时代(11世纪)Important cultural property
The Tale of Sumiyoshi (Sumiyoshi Monogatari Emaki)
Kamakura period, 14th centuryLady Murasaki (Murasaki Shikibu), by Tosa Mitsuoki
Edo period, 17th centuryUtsusemi (The Shell of the Locust), by Yamamoto Akane
2019 Private Collection
可欣赏以平安文学为主题的日本美术品,包括书写过和歌的古人书法、以源氏物语和平治物语为主题的绘画和工艺品等。请透过国宝《倭汉朗咏抄 太田切》、国宝俵屋宗达《源氏物语关屋澪标图屏风》等名品欣赏平安文学。
2024/9/10(tue) – 11/4(mon)
Important cultural property
Tea bowl with black glaze. Yuteki (“oil spot” pattern) Tenmoku type.
China, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century.Tea caddy, Nasu (eggplant) type, known as “Tsukumo-nasu”, Karamono (Chinese) ware.
China, Southern Song to Yuan dynasty, 13th-14th century.Important cultural property
Calligraphy by Xu-tang Zhi-yu: Verse known as “Jing-you zhi-jie”.
China, Southern Song dynasty, 1261.Shelf for tea utensils with sliding doors with painting of “Saru-hiki” (monkey showman).
Attributed to Kanō Motonobu
Japan, Muromachi period, 16th century.Tea caddy, Hyōtan (gourd) type, known as“Inaba-Hyōtan”, Karamono (Chinese) ware.
China, Southern Song to Yuan dynasty, 13th-14th century.
2024/6/22(sat) – 8/25(sun)
国宝 太刀 手搔包永 大和国手搔派
镰仓时代(13世纪)Important Cultural Property, Tachi sword, signed “Takatsuna”, Known as Takigawa(owner’s name) Takatsuna, Ko-bizen Takatsuna, 12-13th century, Kamakura period Katana sword, unsigned, Known as Goke Kanemitsu (widow’s Kanemitsu), Attributed to Osafune Kanemitsu,14th century, Nanbokucho period Important Cultural Property, Twelve Divine Generals (Horse General)”By Unkei’s Successors, ca.1228, Kamakura period Set of three sword fittings with design of Chinese characters in twelve zodiacal sign, Attributed to Gotō Jōshin, 16th century, Muromachi period
画鬼 河锅晓斋×鬼才 松浦武四郎
2024/4/13(sat) – 6/9(sun)
河锅晓斋《武四郎涅槃图》明治19年(1886)松浦武四郎纪念馆藏品 《大项链》绳纹时代~近代 Kawanabe Kyōsai, Travelling through hell and paradise, Meiji era, dated 1869-72, Collection of the Seikado Foundation ‘A Bell of Devil’s Face’ by Kawanabe Kyōsai, from“Hatsuunyokyo”, 1882, Collection of the Seikado Foundation A Bell of Devil’s Face, Collection of the Seikado Foundation